Adler, Susanne
Dr. |
Researcher |
LMU School of Management |
Institute for Marketing |
Altenmüller, Marlene
Dr. |
Researcher |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Anders, Hans-Joachim
Prof. Dr. |
Head of Department |
University hospital |
Medicine IV |
Aßenmacher, Matthias
Dr. |
Researcher |
Math, Informatics & Stats |
Statistics |
Auspurg, Katrin
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Social Sciences |
Sociology |
Behrends, Christian
Prof. Dr. |
Researcher |
Medicine |
SyNergy |
Belka, Claus
Prof. Dr. |
Head of Department |
University hospital |
Radiation Oncology |
Bender, Andreas
Dr. |
Researcher |
Math, Informatics & Stats |
Statistics |
Bischl, Bernd
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Math, Informatics & Stats |
Statistics |
Boulesteix, Anne-Laure
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Medicine |
Brosius, Hans-Bernd
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Social Sciences |
Media & Communication |
Brüderl, Josef
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Social Sciences |
Sociology |
Bühner, Markus
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Burkhardt, Gerrit
Dr. |
Researcher |
University hospital |
Psychiatry & Psychotherapy |
Chan, Annie
Dr. |
Researcher |
Study of Culture |
Asia |
Dichgans, Martin
Prof. Dr. |
Director of Institute |
Medicine |
Stroke & Dementia |
Dingemanse, Niels
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Biology |
Biology II |
Duchêne, Johan
Dr. |
Researcher |
University hospital |
Circulatory Diseases |
Düring, Marco
Prof. Dr. |
Research Group Leader |
Medicine |
Stroke & Dementia |
Ebenbeck, Nikola
Dr. |
Researcher |
Psychology & Education |
Education |
Ehring, Thomas
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Elsas, Ralf
Prof. Dr. |
Director of Institute |
Business Administration |
Finance & Banking |
Ewers, Michael
Prof. Dr. |
Research Group Leader |
Medicine |
Stroke & Dementia |
Falkai, Peter
Prof. Dr. |
Director of Clinic |
University hospital |
Psychiatry |
Fernández-i-Marín, Xavier
Dr. |
Researcher |
Social Sciences |
Political Science |
Feuerriegel, Stefan
Prof. |
Chair |
LMU Munich School of Management |
Institute of AI in Management |
Frenzel, Anne
Prof. Dr. |
Student Dean |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Gebhardt, Markus
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Psychology & Education |
Education |
Gollwitzer, Mario
Prof. Dr. |
Head of Department |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Grath, Sonja
Dr. |
Research Group Leader |
Faculty of Biology |
Evolutionary Biology |
Grill, Eva
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Medicine |
Haensch, Anna-Carolina
Dr. |
Researcher |
Math, Informatics & Stats |
Statistics |
Haim, Mario
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Social Sciences |
Media & Communication |
Heene, Moritz
Prof. Dr. |
Doctoral Training Program Director |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Herrmann, Moritz
Dr. |
Coordinator |
Medicine |
Statistics |
Hoffmann, Sabine
Dr. |
Researcher |
Medicine |
Ingrisch, Michael
Prof. Dr. |
Research Group Leader |
University hospital |
Radiology |
Jiménez-Soto, Luisa F.
PD. Dr. |
Research Group Leader |
Medicine |
WSI Pharmacology & Toxicology |
Keeser, Daniel
Dr. |
Researcher |
University hospital |
Psychiatry |
Kleine, Anne-Kathrin
Dr. |
Researcher |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Koerte, Inga
Prof. Dr. |
Research Group Leader |
Medicine |
Child Psychiatry |
Kranzlmüller, Dieter
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Math, Informatics & Stats |
Informatics |
Krefeld, Thomas
Prof. Dr. |
Professor Emeritus |
Language & Literatures |
Language & Literary II |
Kreuter, Frauke
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Math, Informatics & Statistics |
Statistics |
Küchenhoff, Helmut
Prof. Dr. |
Head of the Statistical Consulting Laboratory |
Math, Informatics & Statistics |
Statistics |
Kugyelka, Reka
Dr. |
Researcher |
University hospital |
Thoracic Surgery |
Kuhr, Thomas
Prof. Dr. |
Research Group Leader |
Physics |
Physics |
Kümpel, Anna Sophie
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Social Sciences |
Department of Media and Communication |
Kutyniok, Gitta
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Math, Informatics & Stats |
Mathematics |
Landes, Jürgen
Dr. |
Researcher |
Philosophy |
Lauseker, Michael
PD. Dr. |
Researcher |
Medicine |
Ludwig, Ralf
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Geosciences |
Geography |
Maier, Markus
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Mansmann, Ulrich
Prof. Dr. |
Director of Institute |
Medicine |
Marx, Anton
Dr. |
Researcher |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Misch, Antonia
Dr. |
Researcher |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Müller, Christian L.
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Math, Informatics & Stats |
Statistics |
Neunhoeffer, Marcel
Dr. |
Researcher |
Math, Informatics & Stats |
Statistics |
Padberg, Frank
Prof. Dr. |
Research Group Leader |
University hospital |
Psychiatry |
Pargent, Florian
Dr. |
Researcher |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Peichl, Andreas
Prof. Dr. |
Director of Institute |
Economics |
Economics |
Perneczky, Robert
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
University hospital |
Psychiatry |
Picogna, Giovanni
Dr. |
Researcher |
Physics |
Observatory |
Platt, Belinda
Dr. |
Researcher |
University hospital |
Child Psychiatry |
Plesnila, Nikolaus
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Medicine |
Stroke & Dementia |
Rau, Henrike
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Geosciences |
Geo & Environmental Science |
Reinhard, Matthias
Dr. |
Researcher |
University hospital |
Psychiatry |
Renkawitz, Jörg
Prof. Dr. |
Principal Investigator |
Medicine |
Biomedical |
Sarstedt, Marko
Prof. Dr. |
Director of Institute |
Business Administration |
Marketing |
Saskia, Rusche
Dr. |
Researcher |
Medicine |
Child Psychiatry |
Schachtner, Balthasar
Dr. |
Researcher |
Medicine |
Radiology |
Scheipl, Fabian
PD Dr. |
Chair |
Math, Informatics & Stats |
Statistics |
Schmalz, Xenia
Dr. |
Researcher |
University hospital |
Child Psychiatry |
Schneck, Andreas
Dr. |
Researcher |
Social Sciences |
Sociology |
Schödel, Ramona
Dr. |
Researcher |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Schönbrodt, Felix
Prof. Dr. |
Managing Director of the OSC |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Schulte-Cloos, Julia
Dr. |
Researcher |
Social Sciences |
Political Science |
Schulz, Christian
Prof. Dr. |
Deputy Director of the Medical Clinic and Polyclinic II |
University hospital |
Cardiology |
Schulz, Enrico
Dr. |
Researcher |
University hospital |
Neurology |
Seelkopf, Laura
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Social Sciences |
Political Science |
Shagal, Ksenia
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Language & Literatures |
Language & Literatures II |
Sorbie, Adam
Dr. |
Researcher |
University hospital |
Stroke & Dementia |
Stefan, Angelika
Dr. |
Researcher |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Straub, Tobias
Dr. |
Researcher |
Medicine |
Biomedical |
Sulik, Justin
Dr. |
Researcher |
Philosophy |
Philosophy |
Taylor, Paul C.J.
Prof. Dr. |
Research Group Leader |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Thurner, Paul W.
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Social Sciences |
Political Science |
Topinkova, Renata
Dr. |
Researcher |
Social Sciences |
Sociology |
Twardawski, Mathias
Dr. |
Researcher |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Vogl, Elisabeth
Dr. |
Researcher |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Wichert, Sebastian
Dr. |
Researcher |
Economics |
Economics |
Wilcke, Juliane
Dr. |
Researcher |
Medicine |
Winter, Joachim
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Economics |
Economics |
Wolf, Eckhard
Prof. Dr. |
Director of Institute |
Veterinary Medicine |
Veterinary Sciences |
Woll, Christian
Dr. |
Researcher |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Wörheide, Gert
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Geosciences |
Geo & Environmental Sciences |
Würschinger, Quirin
Dr. |
Researcher |
Language & Literatures |
English & American Studies |
Wuttke, Alexander
Prof. Dr. |
Chair |
Social Sciences |
Political Science |
Zaefferer, Dietmar
Prof. Dr. |
Professor Emeritus |
Language & Literatures |
Language & Literary II |
Ziegler, Johannes
Dr. |
Researcher |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |
Zygar-Hoffmann, Caroline
Dr. |
Researcher |
Psychology & Education |
Psychology |