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Individual Members

LMU Members

Surname, First name Title Position Faculty Department
Adler, Susanne Dr.  Researcher LMU School of Management Institute for Marketing
Altenmüller, Marlene Dr.  Researcher Psychology & Education Psychology
Anders, Hans-Joachim Prof. Dr.  Head of Department University hospital Medicine IV
Aßenmacher, Matthias Dr.  Researcher Math, Informatics & Stats Statistics
Auspurg, Katrin Prof. Dr.  Chair Social Sciences Sociology
Behrends, Christian Prof. Dr.  Researcher Medicine SyNergy
Belka, Claus Prof. Dr.  Head of Department University hospital Radiation Oncology
Bender, Andreas Dr.  Researcher Math, Informatics & Stats Statistics
Bischl, Bernd Prof. Dr.  Chair Math, Informatics & Stats Statistics
Boulesteix, Anne-Laure Prof. Dr.  Chair Medicine IBE
Brosius, Hans-Bernd Prof. Dr.  Chair Social Sciences Media & Communication
Brüderl, Josef Prof. Dr.  Chair Social Sciences Sociology
Bühner, Markus Prof. Dr.  Chair Psychology & Education Psychology
Burkhardt, Gerrit Dr.  Researcher University hospital Psychiatry & Psychotherapy
Chan, Annie Dr.  Researcher Study of Culture Asia
Dichgans, Martin Prof. Dr.  Director of Institute Medicine Stroke & Dementia
Dingemanse, Niels Prof. Dr.  Chair Biology Biology II
Duchêne, Johan Dr.  Researcher University hospital Circulatory Diseases
Düring, Marco Prof. Dr.  Research Group Leader Medicine Stroke & Dementia
Ebenbeck, Nikola Dr.  Researcher Psychology & Education Education
Ehring, Thomas Prof. Dr.  Chair Psychology & Education Psychology
Elsas, Ralf Prof. Dr.  Director of Institute Business Administration Finance & Banking
Ewers, Michael Prof. Dr.  Research Group Leader Medicine Stroke & Dementia
Falkai, Peter Prof. Dr.  Director of Clinic University hospital Psychiatry
Fernández-i-Marín, Xavier Dr.  Researcher Social Sciences Political Science
Feuerriegel, Stefan Prof.  Chair LMU Munich School of Management Institute of AI in Management
Frenzel, Anne Prof. Dr.  Student Dean Psychology & Education Psychology
Gebhardt, Markus Prof. Dr.  Chair Psychology & Education Education
Gollwitzer, Mario Prof. Dr.  Head of Department Psychology & Education Psychology
Grath, Sonja Dr.  Research Group Leader Faculty of Biology Evolutionary Biology
Grill, Eva Prof. Dr.  Chair Medicine IBE
Haensch, Anna-Carolina Dr.  Researcher Math, Informatics & Stats Statistics
Haim, Mario Prof. Dr.  Chair Social Sciences Media & Communication
Heene, Moritz Prof. Dr.  Doctoral Training Program Director Psychology & Education Psychology
Herrmann, Moritz Dr. Coordinator Medicine Statistics
Hoffmann, Sabine Dr.  Researcher Medicine IBE
Ingrisch, Michael Prof. Dr.  Research Group Leader University hospital Radiology
Jiménez-Soto, Luisa F. PD. Dr.  Research Group Leader Medicine WSI Pharmacology & Toxicology
Keeser, Daniel Dr.  Researcher University hospital Psychiatry
Kleine, Anne-Kathrin Dr.  Researcher Psychology & Education Psychology
Koerte, Inga Prof. Dr.  Research Group Leader Medicine Child Psychiatry
Kranzlmüller, Dieter Prof. Dr.  Chair Math, Informatics & Stats Informatics
Krefeld, Thomas Prof. Dr.  Professor Emeritus Language & Literatures Language & Literary II
Kreuter, Frauke Prof. Dr.  Chair Math, Informatics & Statistics Statistics
Küchenhoff, Helmut Prof. Dr.  Head of the Statistical Consulting Laboratory Math, Informatics & Statistics Statistics
Kugyelka, Reka Dr.  Researcher University hospital Thoracic Surgery
Kuhr, Thomas Prof. Dr.  Research Group Leader Physics Physics
Kümpel, Anna Sophie Prof. Dr.  Chair Social Sciences Department of Media and Communication
Kutyniok, Gitta Prof. Dr.  Chair Math, Informatics & Stats Mathematics
Landes, Jürgen Dr.  Researcher Philosophy MCMP
Lauseker, Michael PD. Dr.  Researcher Medicine IBE
Ludwig, Ralf Prof. Dr.  Chair Geosciences Geography
Maier, Markus Prof. Dr.  Chair Psychology & Education Psychology
Mansmann, Ulrich Prof. Dr.  Director of Institute Medicine IBE
Marx, Anton Dr.  Researcher Psychology & Education Psychology
Misch, Antonia Dr.  Researcher Psychology & Education Psychology
Müller, Christian L. Prof. Dr.  Chair Math, Informatics & Stats Statistics
Neunhoeffer, Marcel Dr.  Researcher Math, Informatics & Stats Statistics
Padberg, Frank Prof. Dr.  Research Group Leader University hospital Psychiatry
Pargent, Florian Dr.  Researcher Psychology & Education Psychology
Peichl, Andreas Prof. Dr.  Director of Institute Economics Economics
Perneczky, Robert Prof. Dr.  Chair University hospital Psychiatry
Picogna, Giovanni Dr.  Researcher Physics Observatory
Platt, Belinda Dr.  Researcher University hospital Child Psychiatry
Plesnila, Nikolaus Prof. Dr.  Chair Medicine Stroke & Dementia
Rau, Henrike Prof. Dr.  Chair Geosciences Geo & Environmental Science
Reinhard, Matthias Dr.  Researcher University hospital Psychiatry
Renkawitz, Jörg Prof. Dr.  Principal Investigator Medicine Biomedical
Sarstedt, Marko Prof. Dr.  Director of Institute Business Administration Marketing
Saskia, Rusche Dr.  Researcher Medicine Child Psychiatry
Schachtner, Balthasar Dr.  Researcher Medicine Radiology
Scheipl, Fabian PD Dr.  Chair Math, Informatics & Stats Statistics
Schmalz, Xenia Dr.  Researcher University hospital Child Psychiatry
Schneck, Andreas Dr.  Researcher Social Sciences Sociology
Schödel, Ramona Dr.  Researcher Psychology & Education Psychology
Schönbrodt, Felix Prof. Dr.  Managing Director of the OSC Psychology & Education Psychology
Schulte-Cloos, Julia Dr.  Researcher Social Sciences Political Science
Schulz, Christian Prof. Dr.  Deputy Director of the Medical Clinic and Polyclinic II University hospital Cardiology
Schulz, Enrico Dr.  Researcher University hospital Neurology
Seelkopf, Laura Prof. Dr.  Chair Social Sciences Political Science
Shagal, Ksenia Prof. Dr.  Chair Language & Literatures Language & Literatures II
Sorbie, Adam Dr.  Researcher University hospital Stroke & Dementia
Stefan, Angelika Dr.  Researcher Psychology & Education Psychology
Straub, Tobias Dr.  Researcher Medicine Biomedical
Sulik, Justin Dr.  Researcher Philosophy Philosophy
Taylor, Paul C.J. Prof. Dr.  Research Group Leader Psychology & Education Psychology
Thurner, Paul W. Prof. Dr.  Chair Social Sciences Political Science
Topinkova, Renata Dr.  Researcher Social Sciences Sociology
Twardawski, Mathias Dr.  Researcher Psychology & Education Psychology
Vogl, Elisabeth Dr.  Researcher Psychology & Education Psychology
Wichert, Sebastian Dr.  Researcher Economics Economics
Wilcke, Juliane Dr. Researcher Medicine IBE
Winter, Joachim Prof. Dr.  Chair Economics Economics
Wolf, Eckhard Prof. Dr.  Director of Institute Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Sciences
Woll, Christian Dr.  Researcher Psychology & Education Psychology
Wörheide, Gert Prof. Dr.  Chair Geosciences Geo & Environmental Sciences
Würschinger, Quirin Dr.  Researcher Language & Literatures English & American Studies
Wuttke, Alexander Prof. Dr.  Chair Social Sciences Political Science
Zaefferer, Dietmar Prof. Dr.  Professor Emeritus Language & Literatures Language & Literary II
Ziegler, Johannes Dr.  Researcher Psychology & Education Psychology
Zygar-Hoffmann, Caroline Dr.  Researcher Psychology & Education Psychology

Associated Members

Surname, First name Title Position Faculty Department
Beyerlein, Andreas PD Dr. 
Fuchs, Christiane Prof. Dr.  Chair Economics Economics
Hoyer, Annika Prof. Dr.  Chair at the University of Bielefeld Medicine Medical School OWL
Misgeld, Thomas Prof. Dr.  Director TUM Medicine & Health Neurology
Osimani, Barbara Prof. Dr.  Director of Institute Philosophy MCMP
Peter, Christina Prof. Dr.  Deputy Director of the Institute Social Sciences Klagenfurt Media & Communication
Ploner, Markus Prof. Dr.  Chair TUM Medicine & Health Neurology
Ratz, Tom Dr.  Independent Group Leader Science Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies
Seibold, Heidi Dr.  Trainer and Consultant
Spiegel, Elmar Dr.  Statistical Consultant


Surname, First name Title Position Faculty Department
Aksu, Alp Kaan BSc Student Psychology & Education Psychology
Callahan, Pat B.A MSc Student Medicine IBE
De Nicola, Giacomo M.Sc. PhD Student Math, Informatics & Stats Statistics
Ehrenwirth, Benedikt BSc Student Psychology & Education Psychology
Etzel, Franka B.Sc. MSc Student Psychology & Education Psychology
Frank, Maximilian M.Sc. PhD Student Psychology & Education Psychology
Goetz, Laura M.Sc. Student Medicine, Psychology & Education Medicine,Psychology
Gupta, Reema M.Sc.  PhD Student Biology Neurobiology
Henninger, Felix M.Sc. PhD Student Math, Informatics & Stats Statistics
Herklotz, Markus Dipl. Researcher Math, Informatics & Stats Statistics
Kohrt, Florian B.Sc.  PhD Student Psychology & Education Psychology
Kovačić, Barbara BSc Student Language & Literatures CIS
Krähmer, Daniel M.Sc. PhD Student Social Sciences Sociology
Kristen, Maximilian M.Sc. Student History & Arts Insitute of Art History
Lange, Julian M.Sc. PhD Student Medicine IBE
Larsson, Leyla M.Sc.  PhD Student University hospital University hospital
Mandl, Maximilian M.Sc. PhD Student Medicine IBE
Matveev, Maria M.Sc.  PhD Student Math, Informatics & Stats Mathematics
Meier, Laura BSc Student University Library University Library
Nuding, Stephan M.Sc. PhD Student Psychology & Education Psychology
Prüm, Gracia BSc Student Psychology & Education Psychology
Sauer, Christina M.Sc. PhD Student Medicine IBE
Schramm, Leonhard M.Sc. Psychology & Education Psychology
Schumacher, Caspar BSc Student Psychology & Education Psychology
Simson, Jan M.Sc. PhD Student Math, Informatics & Stats Statistics
Tseng, Po-Chun DDS., M.Sc. PhD Candidate Medicine Conservative Dentistry & Periodontology
Villagran, Alberto G. M.Sc. Researcher Medicine Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Wang, Yijing M.Sc. PhD Student Munich Medical Research School Institution of Stroke and Dementia
Wiegelmann, Viktoria BSc Student Psychology & Education Psychology
Wiehr, Martin BSc Student Psychology & Education Psychology
Wimmer, Lisa M.Sc. PhD Student Math, Informatics & Stats Statistics

Past Members

Surname, First name Title Position Faculty Department
Guntersdorfer, Ivett Prof. Dr.  Universität Salzburg
Neumann, Larissa Dr.  Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology
Stefano, Coretta Dr.  University of Edinburgh
Strube, Wolfgang Dr.  BKH Augsburg
Taisuke, Imai Dr. Researcher Economics Economics
Unkel, Julian Dr.  Department of Media and Communication