Managing Director
Felix Schönbrodt is the managing director of the LMU Open Science Center. He obtained his PhD in psychology in 2010 at the Humboldt-University Berlin and received his habilitation 2014 at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. His research interests include implicit and explicit motives, quantitative methods in Bayesian statistics and meta-analysis, data visualization, and issues revolving open science and the replicability of research. One special focus is to provide statistical packages in R and interactive statistical web apps which can be used for teaching and for an enhanced understanding and usage of quantitative methods ( Felix Schönbrodt is an initiator of the "Commitment to Research Transparency" (
In 2016, Felix Schönbrodt received the Leamer-Rosenthal prize in the Emerging Researchers Category. The prize is awarded from the Berkeley Initiative for Transparency in the Social Sciences (BITSS) and “recognizes important contributions by individuals in the open science movement”.
Phone: +49 89 2180 5050
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