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Mini-Symposium: "Corona & Open Science"


When: December 4th 2020, 02:00pm-05:00pm
Where: Online (Zoom). Please contact Felix Schönbrodt for the link.
Registration: not necessary
Language: German

We are happy to announce that the LMU Open Science Center (OSC) invites to a Mini-Symposium with four talks around the topic "Corona & Open Science". After each lecture, a short discussion is planned. At the end, there will be Zoom breakoutrooms (self-organized), so that you can get in contact with each other or exchange information with the speakers. Following the symposium, a general assembly of the OSC will take place.  All guests are welcome to join. All talks, discussions, and the assembly will be in German.

The presentations will start at 02:00pm and end at 03:45pm, the assembly will be between 04:00pm and 05:00pm:

Time Talk
02:00 pm Introdcution
02:05 pm – 02:30 pm Uncertainty in the epidemiological modelling of COVID-19
Sabine Hoffmann, IBE, Klinikum Großhadernslides
02:30 pm – 02:55 pm Nowcasting and change point detection in the COVID-19 pandemic
Prof. Dr. Helmut Küchenhoff & Felix Günther, Institut für Statistik
02:55 pm – 03:20 pm Freier Zugang zu Daten aus Therapiestudien: Transparenz in der COVID-19 Krise
Prof. Dr. Michael Ewers & Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Plesnila, Klinikum
03:20 pm – 03:45 pm The pairfam COVID-19 Survey: Design and Potential Use
Dr. Claudia Schmiedeberg & Prof. Dr. Josef Brüderl, Institut für Soziologie
03:45 pm – 04:00 pm Discussion in Break-Out-Rooms
04:00 pm – 05:00 pm General Assembly LMU Open Science Center

 Thank you very much for coming!