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Discussion: "The Good, the Bad and the Inbetween - The many facets of quality in scholarly publishing"

by Susanne Luger, Clara Ginter and Veronika Reinertshofer, organized by the Open Science Initiative in Medicine (OSIM)


When: 10.05.2024, 14:00-16:00
Where: Zoom (no registration needed)

The slildes can be downloaded here

The relevance and validity of the sciences as well as the reputation of scholars are more and more questioned, at best, or put in disrepute, at worst. Upholding the highest quality standards in scholarly communication is thus of vital importance for scholarship as well as for safeguarding the integrity of the scholarly commons and the scholarly ecosystem. Predatory publishing has gained much prominence in recent years as one new persistent phenomenon that undermines the foundation of scholarly publishing and its principles and standards. On the 10th of May you are invited to a lively discussion and exchange on this matter. Veronika Reinertshofer (UB LMU) Susanne Luger (JKU Linz, Project 'Predatory Publishing', Austrians Transition to Open Access 2) and Clara Ginther (University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Project 'Predatory Publishing', Austrians Transition to Open Access 2) will provide short inputs on quality and scholarly publishing as well as predatory publishing. This is interlaced with opportunities for discussion and exploration. The aim is to initiate an ongoing dialogue on how to address these questionable practices which are ever-evolving and changing.


  • Susanne Luger is head of the department License Management and Scholarly Services at University Library of the Johannes Kepler University Linz.
  • Clara Ginter is Head of the University Library at the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna. They co-lead the project 'Predatory Publishing', part of Austrian Transition to Open Access 2 (AT2OA2).
  • Veronika Reinertshofer is employee of the University Library of LMU Munich and works in the associated electronic publishing divisions: publishing services open access.

Target audience: This online workshop is open to all LMU employees and students, including people who are not in the OSIM mailing list. You are welcome to join!

Logistics: The online OSIM-meeting will this time take the form of a small workshop with discussion led by our three guests, including two co-leaders of the project 'Predatory Publishing', part of Austrian Transition to Open Access 2.