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Journal Club: "ReproducibiliTea: Current Debates about Registered Reports"


The Journal Club: “ReproducibiliTea” at LMU Munich continues with its 17th meeting, the fifth one for this semester. It will take place this Friday and we will talk about the current Debates about Registered Reports. This week, we are very happy to host Gilad Feldman as our guest. He is an assistant professor at the University of Hong Kong and conducts research in the field of social psychology and decision making. Additionally he has taken special interest in the movement for improvement of psychological science to implement and promote open-science and meta-research. Together with him we will discuss the format of Registered Reports and its prospects as well as limitations. You can find the recommended article and a short abstract about the topic of the session below.

When: Friday, 09.06.2023, 2:30pm
Where: Room 3322 at Leopoldstraße 13, Munich or via Zoom (Meeting ID: 862 732 7746 / Password: 347052)
Language: English
Article: Chambers, C. D., & Tzavella, L. (2022). The past, present and future of Registered Reports. Nature Human Behaviour, 6(1), 29–42. doi: 10.1038/s41562-021-01193-7

Procedure: Dr. Gilad Feldman will introduce (approx. 20 minutes) the article. We will then continue with an open discussion where you can contribute your own thoughts and questions. Finally, there will be time to get to know each other and talk in smaller groups.

Abstract: The article discusses the value and impact of Registered Reports, a publication format that addresses reporting and publication biases by pre-accepting study proposals that went through rigorous peer review. It reflects on the history and progress of Registered Reports, provides practical guidance for authors, reviewers, and editors, and presents early evidence of their effectiveness. While acknowledging their limitations, the article highlights the potential of Registered Reports to promote reproducibility, transparency, and self-correction in research.

Concept of the Journal Club

The interdisciplinary journal club “ReproducibiliTea” is launched every 3-4 weeks and addresses main questions and current topics concerning Open Science and the credibility of research findings. The idea - originated from Great Britain - was already developed in many other countries using the same name. During on-site meetings tea, juice and small snacks are provided to live up to the slogan. However, some meetings are held online due to organisational reasons. No matter where the sessions take place, everybody is welcome to bring their own food and drinks and thus connect the journal club with their lunch break.

The Journal Club consists of open talk sessions for discussing Open Science, reproducibility, and other related issues and is explicitly open to all disciplines and institutions to create the most interesting interchange. Each session starts with a short talk about the paper and then continues with an open discussion in which you can contribute your own thoughts and questions.

During a longer break between 2020 and 2021, the concept was slightly revised, and the organisation team decided to invite the speaker(s) of the respective paper that is discussed in each session. The author herself/himself starts with the introductory talk including a short summary of the paper. Afterwards, there is enough time for direct interaction with the author(s) and, as before, an open discussion with all of the participants.

You are warmly welcome to join the next meetings. You can simply send an e-mail to to join the mailing list to get information about the next meetings and chosen papers. For each session it would be helpful to have read the announced paper, but there is no obligation to do so.

The organisation team is looking forward to seeing you at one of the next Journal Club sessions.

Organisation team:

  • Laura Goetz, Medical Student at LMU Munich
  • Stephan Nuding, PhD Student at the Chair of Social Psychology
  • Leonhard Schramm, Psychology Student at LMU Munich
  • Franka Etzel, Psychology Student at LMU Munich
  • Viktoria Wiegelmann, Psychology Student at LMU Munich
  • Gracia Pruem, Psychology Student at LMU Munich
  • Finia Loeb, Psychology Student at LMU Munich